Flushing the toilet
The Dream
My boyfriend comes out of the bathroom and looks at me with disgust. He angrily says “You have done it again. You didn’t flush the toilet.” I had urinated and forgot to flush. Over the many years we have been together, I have only done this a few times. I feel filled with shame. The feeling of shame stays with me for days after I wake up.
Understanding the dream
The bathroom is usually considered a private place in one’s home where one washes, dresses, and prepares to meet the day. It also can be a place that one does not own but out of necessity quickly uses and leaves. Most importantly a bathroom is a place of elimination of liquid waste products caused by the bodily metabolic processes. When urine is not eliminated serious damage to the body can be caused, such as UTIs.
What would make one’s boyfriend angry and discussed about a non-flushed toilet? So angry that he is willing to make his partner feel shame? The answers would in all likelihood lead back to his own early toilet training where he was made to feel dirty and powerless.
The dreamer’s own toilet training might also be examined, possibly freeing her from carrying past negative feelings about herself into the present.
Understanding that the dream can choose any image out of the thousands and thousands of images why select elimination and urine? It is possible that the dream is trying to tell the dreamer to examine her relationship with her boyfriend
in the light that it might be toxic and needs to be eliminated before infection is caused.